IPL Acne Treatment

Contrary to what a lot of people think, acne is not limited to just adolescence. In fact, many people struggle with acne on the face and body well into their adult life. Unfortunately, acne continues to be one of the most common skin care problems doctors see.
Acne is usually caused by overactive sebaceous glands that produce too much oil and clog pores. Combined with the presence of P. acnes bacteria, this is what leads to the blackheads, whiteheads, and inflammation associated with acne. Venus Versa™ uses Intense Pulsed Light with SmartPulse™ technology to provide gentle and effective acne reduction. This dual light treatment destroys acne-causing bacteria and reduces existing acne-related inflammation.

Usually requires 6-10 treatments, 1-2 times per week and sun restriction.

Time in office: 30 minutes
Recovery time: No Recovery Time
Results last: Many years after full treatments
Treatment performed by: Aesthetic Certified Venus Versa tech
Starting Cost: $175
Average Full Cost: $1,050

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